Our Vision: To form and equip Holy Family parishioners to become lifelong missionary disciples of Christ.
Our Approach: Discipleship-Based Ministry
The last words of Jesus command us to “Go and make disciples of all nations...” To be a disciple means to be a student of Christ, following His example in every aspect of our lives. We do this by creating an atmosphere that ignites an authentic interior desire for our Lord and provides opportunities to encounter Him more deeply through meaningful relationships with others, communal and personal prayer, reception of the sacraments, service of others in the community, and continuous learning. We believe that small group discipleship creates the best environment for forming intentional disciples of Christ because it fosters deep intentionality of content, authentic friendships, and fellowship in a community where adults and families can pray, serve, live life, and receive the sacraments together.
Contact Chris Mueller (cmueller@holyfamilyjax.com) with questions or to get involved.