Share your volunteer time with the church as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMs). EM’s assist the clergy of the parish by helping to distribute Holy Communion at Mass, and by visiting the sick and home bound. A short training session teaches ministers about the handling of the Eucharist and special situations that sometimes arise. Ministers can choose the Mass times and how often they wish to serve.
Those who participate in this ministry should have a deep reverence for, and devotion to, the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, as well as a desire to serve their brothers and sisters.
In addition to distributing Holy Communion, EMs who serve at Mass prepare the altar before the liturgy, clear it afterwards, and ensure that the sacred vessels are ready for the next liturgy.
Some EMs are sent forth from Mass to bring Holy Communion to those who cannot participate with us in the liturgy, including the home bound and those in nursing facilities. (Those who wish to be part of this ministry need additional training.)
At Holy Family, Patti Lombardo coordinates this ministry. The Coordinator schedules ministers for service at Mass, maintains a roster of those involved in this ministry through Ministry Pro Scheduler.
Thank you for responding to the Lord’s call to this wonderful ministry.
Future training will be announced in the bulletin.