Emergency calls for those who are ill or in danger of death, please call 641-5838, ext. 1.
Emergency calls for those who need financial assistance please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society, 641-5838, ext. 3 (allow up to 24 hours for return call).
Parish Bulletin:
The parish bulletin is a weekly publication and the primary way to announce important events and activities of the parish. The Parish Bulletin can be found on our website, and if you are a registered parishioner, you will receive a copy weekly in your email. Paper Bulletins can be found outside the Parish Office every weekend or upon request.
Parish App:
This app is for iOS and Android devices and puts parish news and information at your fingertips. It offers faith-building resources and features, such as daily Mass readings, Confession helps, prayer time reminders, submit prayer requests and much more!
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Importance of Parish Registration:
We encourage all who worship regularly at Holy Family to register with us as your church of record. Registration allows us to communicate with you, helps us to serve you, and is required for the celebration of certain Sacraments. Registration forms are offered on this website, in the Narthex of the Church and in the Parish Office. Click here to register now.
Faith Direct
Venmo @HolyFamily-CatholicChurch
TEXT-TO-GIVE... text a dollar amount to (904)-747-8001. Follow the link to complete a one-time registration page. After you register, you can give any time by texting a dollar amount using the same mobile number.
Envelope Users:
If you are an envelope user or drop a check into the collection basket, please remember to write your envelope number in the memo section of the check. It makes it so much easier for us to record your gift. Don’t know your number? Just give us a call in the office at 641-5838.
If you would like to help with the cost of Altar Flowers each week, you may donate $45 per arrangement in remembrance of a loved one, birthday blessing, anniversary blessing, or whatever your intention may be. Thank you for your support!
Please arrange to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before any serious surgery. You may also request this sacrament from a priest after a daily or weekend Mass. If you know of parishioners who are hospitalized or confined to their homes, please advise the Pastor or call the Parish Office to arrange home visitation.
Holy Family Welcomes You to the Waters of Baptism! The Catholic Church has always seen the Sacrament of Baptism as its method of initiation from the moment of Jesus’ Great Commission, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19). For more information on how to prepare to baptize your child, please contact Deacon Mike Holmes.
Families wishing to give a donation towards the weekly floral arrangement on the altar may do so in memory of or in celebration of a birthday or anniversary. The minimum suggested donation is $45. Names will be published in the bulletin. Call the Parish Office 904-641-5838.
Contact the Parish Office at least 8 months in advance. Marriage preparation is required.
Mass Request:
You may offer a Mass of special intention or for the deceased at either weekday Mass or most of the Masses on Sunday. Requests should be made in the parish office during the week from 9 am to 4 pm. The suggested stipend is $10.00.
The nursery provides a safe, loving and fun environment for your children, ages toddler to 4. Located in the Parish Hall, our nursery is open during the Sunday 9:30 am Mass.
Natural Family Planning:
For information on the several NFP methods, please visit the Family Life Office – Natural Family Planning.
Prayer Intentions For The Sick:
Names of loved ones will be entered into the bulletin for all to pray for. If you wish to add a name for prayer, please call the Parish Office.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.):
Have you been thinking about or have questions about becoming a Catholic? Are you a Catholic who wants to invite a friend or relative to consider becoming a Catholic? You are invited to find out what R.C.I.A. means and how one becomes a member of the Catholic Church. Please contact Chris Mueller at cmueller@holyfamilyjax.com.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30 am - Noon
First Friday until 8:00 pm