Club Officers:
President: Paul Giordano, 993-9765
Vice President: Ciro Castro: 614-6639
Secretary: Mike Wolf 451-2886
Treasurer: Bob Griesbach 683-2796
FAITH – We live our lives as Disciples of Christ and stewards of the grace and talents He has given us. That is why the men of Holy Family Parish enjoy hosting Parish events. These events have raised over $6,000 annually for the benefit of the Parish, and our school.
FAMILY – We do not forget that the parish is named for the Holy Family. We emphasize family in our work. As you can see in the activities list, we define family to include our individual families, our parish family and our Jacksonville community.
FELLOWSHIP – We enjoy the friendships we develop with the other members of the Men’s Club. Our meetings include a 30-minute social period, a healthy meal prepared for the membership, and the business meeting. Our events are designed to encourage members to interact with each other and the parish we serve.
SERVICE – We perform service to our parish and the Jacksonville community. Many members of the club hold leadership positions within the ministries of our parish and in charitable agencies throughout Northeast Florida.
MEETINGS – The club meets the second Monday night of every month from September through May at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Life Center. Many of our meetings feature exciting guest speakers, such as, ex-Jaguar players, Jaguar Mascot - Jaxon de ville, Congressman John Rutherford, syndicated radio host, Mark Kay, Assistant District Attorney Bernie De Li Rhonda, and Fr. John Reynolds..
MEMBERSHIP – The club welcomes all men of Holy Family. Our current membership spans all ages and reflects a cross section of our parish. Many of our members are also active in other Parish Ministries and Parish School functions.
HOW TO JOIN – Just come to one of our meetings and see for yourself. Members develop friendships with the other members quickly in the welcoming atmosphere of the Men’s Club. For more details, ask a member or call one of our officers.
WHAT YOU GET – For a minimal annual $85.00 dues payment, members enjoy (9) meals with beverages and dessert. But beyond that, your individual participation will give you the satisfaction that you are doing the “good works” demanded of Catholic men by our Lord.
THE YELLOW PIN – Join the Men’s Club and proudly wear your “Yellow Pin” signifying your membership in this fun and contributing organization.
Order your Men's Club Sportek Shirt today:
Short Sleeve Small to XL $ 30
Short Sleeve 2 XL $ 32
Short Sleve 3 XL $ 35
Long Sleeve Small to XL $ 33
Long Sleeve 2XL $ 35
Long Sleeve 3 XL $ 37
To order, please email Mike Wolf at