When Jesus said, “Do this in memory of me,” He gave us the wonderful gift of the Eucharist. He challenged us to be the living Eucharist: to use our hands, minds and bodies in love and service to others – to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure with others.
The parish community of Holy Family is dedicated to accepting this challenge through our many ministries and clubs which are dedicated to outreach, community service and spiritual growth. Please take a moment to review the various ministries and join those that truly call to you or contact us to learn more.
You are welcome to become a part of such liturgical ministries as Altar Server, Lector, Usher, and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion; parish ministries including M.O.M.S. and Respect Life; and clubs including the Men’s Club, Women’s Club, and Young at Heart.
Your participation will make a difference in the ministries you serve. However, we believe you’ll find that your involvement will also make a profound difference in your own faith and relationship to God.
Thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure in this faith community of Holy Family. We need you, and the Lord needs you.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
Thank You