This mission of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to offer Prayer Shawls to those who are in need of comfort and/or healing. The shawls are made in prayer and with love by parishioners. They are blessed and then presented to members of the community. The shawls remind the recipient of the love of God and the caring, support and love of our parish community.
Our ministry has expanded to include “Prayer Bears” which are small stuffed bears that are adorned with a knit or crocheted Prayer Scarf. These bears are blessed and presented to children in need. They are also given to adults, when appropriate, in the hope of giving comfort, healing and love. We have also made and presented “Celebration of Life” Prayer Shawls. These shawls are presented to persons who have made exceptional contributions to our parish or are celebrating very important milestones in their lives.
We knit or crochet baby blankets which are blessed and offered at baptisms for babies up to a year old. These are a wonderful welcome to our youngest parishioners.
Our ministry began in April 2015and the Prayer Shawl Ministers have knit or crocheted over 800 shawls and/or baby blankets. Each takes about 20 hours to make and costs about $20 in supplies. We currently have only about 6 active members in our community and we would dearly love extra prayerful hands to help. We meet monthly on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am a meeting room upstairs in the Parish Life Center. The meetings are a time of prayer, fellowship and renewal. We reflect on what our ministry means to others by exchanging stories about our shawls, blankets and bears and the recipients. We pray for the comfort and healing of the recipients and their families, as well as exchanging hints and tips on patterns and provide assistance on the making of the shawls, blankets and scarves. Attendance at the meetings, however, is not required to participate in this ministry.
New members are always welcome in the Prayer Shawl Ministry. If you knit, crochet or would like to help with distribution please contact Valerie Wildsmith. (
“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb; I praise you because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works!” Psalm 139:13-14 Prayer Shawls, Baby Baptism Blankets and Prayer Bears are always given as gifts. Donations for supplies are gratefully accepted. Please contact Valerie. ( .
This is my friend Jeanne whom I sent the green prayer shawl to. Unfortunately, God had plans for Jeanne and took her up to heaven last Wednesday. She lost her battle with ALS (muscular dystrophy). Her husband texted me the other day and said the prayer shawl brought Jeanne great comfort and peace, right up to her last hours. She had it with her everywhere she went. Jeanne loved it and green was her favorite color, that's why I needed it in that color. I thank you for that time for going out of your way to make sure she was receiving this shawl. John, her husband and the kids saw how she loved the shawl, that and they all agreed to bury her with it.